Update your EPC after a refurbishment

A plea to Property Developers.

You’ve spent thousands on a refurbishment and are now looking to refinance onto a BTL mortgage to get your money back. Why not spend extra on getting a new EPC once you’re finished your project?

Most property developers who come to us for a BTL mortgage to repay their bridging loan have the EPC which was issued when they bought the property. If it’s a D or E these are acceptable to lenders, but some are still F or G which aren’t acceptable to any long term BTL lender.

Nobody has mentioned this to them before. It’s criminal, as a good bridging broker should, because it influences which lender is going to repay the project.

To get a new EPC can delay the repayment of the bridge. One recently has cost the client an extra three weeks interest. It doesn’t sound much, but that £1,300 is now in the lenders pocket rather than the clients.

If the EPC is C then many lenders offer lower interest rates so less to pay each month, increased profits and cash-flow.

Don’t delay, EPC today.

Searchlight Finance Ltd is a broker not a lender.

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We are a credit broker not a lender.

Searchlight Finance Ltd is registered at 98, King Street, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6HQ. Company Register number is 07929050.

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA registration number is 743220. You can check via www.register.fca.org.

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, Z3109319 and you can check via www.ico.org.uk.

We conduct both regulated and unregulated business and therefore not all products provided through us are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

We source finance from the whole of market and may receive commissions that will vary depending on the lender, product, or other permissible factors. The nature of any commission model will be confirmed to you before you proceed.

Member of National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB).