About Us
If you’re a dedicated property investor, property developer or business owner who’s in it for the long haul…
And you want a property finance broker who’s always thinking beyond the deal…
And you’re open to being challenged every once in a while…
We’ll get along brilliantly.
Property finance is a complex beast, and when we work together we will always take the time to consider all the consequences of any decision.
Yes that may sound rather boring. After all, it’s far more exciting to have a broker who says, “I just got you the BEST two-year fix from this terrific new lender!”. But what happens after two years when you find yourself off the low rate and onto something much higher and you can’t do a product transfer or remortgage?
We need to think further ahead.” We’re the second kind of broker, and not ashamed to admit it.
Why are we like that
Firstly, we want you to have a healthy and thriving portfolio that gives you no financial problems.
Secondly, we want a healthy and thriving working relationship – and we’re not about to mess that up by giving you inadequate, poorly considered guidance that will work for you now but not in the long term.
We give honest, opinionated and sometimes hard-to-take advice – and it’s ALWAYS with your goals in mind.
As a result, lenders trust and respect us – they’ll often be flexible in ways they wouldn’t be with other brokers or independent borrowers.
For example, if it turns out you don’t meet a lender’s conditions but we can prove why they’ll be safe lending anyway, they’ll often do so (if the circumstances are right) – because they know we’re true to our words and have never let them down.
Our Lenders
We have direct access to specialist property lenders and products that aren’t available direct to the public – or even to all brokers. Importantly, we’re not tied to any of them.
We pick and choose depending on your circumstances and needs.
If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you (or if you’d like to ask any questions), get in touch to arrange a call.