Lenders will always ask their valuers to consider the minimum room size and communal space standards in accordance with current RICS guidance.
The HMO must have the correct level of communal space, amenities and fire precautions as set out by the respective local authority.
The spatial requirements are as follows:
- Single bedroom: floor area 6.51m2 minimum
- Double bedroom: floor area 10.22m minimum (rooms can’t include areas where ceiling height is below 1.5m)
- 1-3 persons: 13.5m2 total communal living space, the kitchen must be at least 5m2
- Four persons: 17m2 total communal living space, the kitchen must be at least 6m2
- Five persons: 18m2 total communal living space, the kitchen must be at least 7m2
- Six persons: 20m2 total communal living space, the kitchen must be at least 9m2
- 7-10 persons: 27.5m2 total communal living space, the kitchen must be at least 11m2