If you looking to pay for property education then time in front of a computer could potentially save you thousands.
Education- we never stop learning but with any subject sometimes we want a head start. So you want to learn about flipping, development finance, HMOs etc. Where do you go? Firstly don’t part with any money until you have done extensive research. This includes:
- Search the company name and anybody associated to it on the internet. It may come up on a property forum or at worse a police report.
- Do a company search. There are various options and you can get reports for a cost of £10 or use a free service from Companies House.
- Go to a taster session and compare providers.
- Make sure you can get finance before committing.
- Be clear on what you will be getting and what you have to do.
Even if your research is clear it doesn’t mean you are totally protected. Remember if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.